Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jastor's Pass, Scene v1

Despite being able to rest through the night at inns along the way, four days of sixteen hours of travel a day drained the energy and spirit out of the escort. Not an hour went by without the grumbling of fatigued soldiers, and it only grew worse with every passing day as the skies grew cloudy. It was the fifth day that everyone had dreaded, as there would be no town or village to rest at for the night.

The sun had set, and the rain began to pour. The caravan trudged through the mud, the soldiers clinging against the side of the wagons for shelter under the tarp. As the march continued, the tarp could not save them from the frigid winds that soaked them to the bone. The march was silent and exhaustive.

By the time the caravan had reached the Jastor Mountains, which served as the border between the Rokan Empire and Lokem Republic, everyone was shivering uncontrollably.

They quickly sought refuge behind a crevice in Jastor’s Pass, which separated the mountains and served as the main road between the two countries. The soldiers quickly erected three large fires and stripped down to their undergarments, laying their uniforms near the second fire. Everyone huddled around the fire, desperate for warmth, caring not for modesty, with the oxen and horses tied near the third fire.

Nakita stood beside Devin and Kismet as they watched the soldiers quickly set up camp. She eyed Kismet, who just watched everyone silently. The Catheran was soaked just the same, but did not shiver or display any signs of discomfort. “Aren’t you cold?”

Kismet shook her head. “No, I’m fine.”

“Go keep watch while we dry up,” ordered Devin.

Nakita was used to the cold. In fact, she enjoyed the cold, but being soaked for hours was too much for even her to endure. She felt what little warmth remained leave with Kismet as the Catheran stepped back into the rain. She turned back to Devin, who now also began to shiver. “You noticed it too?”

Devin nodded with a grim expression. His words were quiet. “No one was at the checkpoint, and the rain should bring no exception. Unfortunately, we have to make this delivery.”

“Heavens forbid we have a smooth delivery,” replied Nakita, tugging at the tunic that plastered itself uncomfortably onto her body. “I guess I should dry us so we can rest while we can.”

She hovered her palm over her drenched clothing. The essences imbedded in her gloves emitted a dim blue glow as the water that soaked her clothes and skin collected upon the surface, where it crystallized. As she continued along, the ice shattered into a small shower of scintillating beads that melted as they touched the earth. After finishing, she stepped close to Devin and began on him. The soldiers huddled around the fire eyed Nakita oddly, watching her slowly hover her palms over the General.

Devin followed Nakita to the uniforms that lay next to the second fire. He gazed out at Kismet who sat alone in the rain with a stoic face. “She seemed to notice as well.”

Nakita nodded as she dried the uniforms. “At least she’s more observant than this lousy bunch that can only think about themselves.”

“Who do you think it is? I doubt any group of bandits would be willing to risk targeting a military escort, much less the Kival.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me if it were them. They’ve been growing desperate, raiding our villages and kidnapping for ransom. Besides, I’m sure you’ve heard about Hazalin.” She rose to her feet and turned to the half-naked soldiers. “Your uniforms are all dried. Dress up when you’re done gawking at each other and get some rest.”

Nakita followed Devin outside. Kismet’s wet fur melded into the darkness, making her difficult to see apart from her eyes, which glowed a faint yellow when she looked back at the camp. She was completely drenched, but it didn’t bother her in the least. She combed her hair out of her face as she spoke. “We’re not alone.”

First: Kismet vs. Bandits, Scene v1
Previous: The Ice Witch, Scene v1
Next: Playing With Water, Scene v1

1 comment:

Miseri said...

ooo scary. I'm glad Nakita doesn't seem to be a horrible evil person though, and is one of the competent characters.

I really like the way you describe using ice/water manipulation to dry clothes. That's definitely not a use you normally think of for that type of magic.