Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blissful Dream, Part 3 (v2)

Decided to change what happens in this scene.

The creek of the front door woke Karin from her extensive sleep. Unable to comprehend the voices that came from the den in her stupor, she winced at the setting sun that glared against her eyes.

“Nina? Who’s here?” she croaked weakly.

Karin rolled away from the light and slowly opened her eyes in a daze. Her body ached from the lumps of rags she slept on, her stomach empty as usual. Every day she found herself waking up later and later, as her body attempted to preserve every bit of energy it could.

The talking in the den had stopped. A shiver ran down her spine. Wrapping her body with one of the torn rags she slept on, she glanced around the kitchen for Nina. She was nowhere in sight.


Dead silence filled the air. Karin furrowed her brow in worry. “Nina?”

She climbed to her feet and walked into the den. Nina’s small blocks of wood, which she used as toys, were scattered on the floor. The stool from the kitchen rested near the broken fireplace, with her blanket thrown on top. The afternoon sun poured into the room from the open front door.

Karin stared at the door, her body trembling with anxiety. “Nina?!”

First: Blissful Dream, Part 1 (v1)
Previous: Blissful Dream, Part 2 (v1)
Next: Blissful Dream, Part 4 (v1)

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